This text of this call is based on a similar call from ACL 2020, written by Emily M. Bender, Esther Seyffarth & Zhiyuan Liu.

Call for Volunteers

We are seeking volunteers to live microblog NAACL 2024 presentations with the goal of raising the visibility of the talks across platforms and across languages. By coordinating community live microblogging, we hope to increase coverage of our talks, as was done for several *CL conferences in the past including ACL 2020 and NAACL 2019. We are particularly excited about the prospect of multilingual live microblogging to broaden participation in *CL conferences and our associated community.

If you are interested in participating, please email the Publicity Chairs (,, by June 6, with the following information:

The language(s) you’d like to microblog in

The platform(s) you’d like to use

The areas you are interested in microblogging about

The microblogging guide from Rachel Tatman can be helpful:

Author Option to Opt-Out

If, for any reason, a NAACL 2024 author would prefer not to have their presentation live microblogged, we ask you to contact us with that information and the paper title to the Publicity Chairs by June 12. We will ask our live microbloggers to not cover your presentation.